Senior Choir Students, 

Here are the following songs to listen to, enjoy and learn really well.

SONG 1:  ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE - From "Seussical the Musical"

Remember there are two options to practice:

1. Soprano - (Higher part) "Alone in the Universe"

2. Alto - (Lower Parts) "Alone in the Universe"

3. Performance - (Both parts singing) - "Alone in the Universe"

Listen to your part really well to learn it so you know the tune off by heart (you know where your parts are and when you sing altogether), and then practice with the performance part.  Click on the button to play. 

SONG 2:  E Te Atua

SONG 3:  "SHE SINGS" - Whole Massed Choir Song selected for all Choirs in Hawkes Bay.

"She Sings" - Composed by Amy Bernon

We look forward to our Thursday practices.

Not long to go!

From Mrs Lind and Miss Kay


- From "Seussical the Musical"

Song 2: E Te Atua

Song 3:  SHE SINGS