Play a Sport

We provide a range of sporting opportunities for all ages.  This includes our school wide events:  Cross Country, Athletics and Swimming Sports.  There are also opportunities to represent Te Mata School in local sports competitions, such as, Orienteering, Hockey, Miniball, Cricket, Tennis, Touch, Netball, Weetbix Tri and Rippa Rugby. 

Swimming Sports ( Mid and Sen)

Weetbix Tri

Miniball (Yr 3 & 4)

Junior Sport Skills

Cricket (Mid and Seniors)

Tennis (All Yr Groups)

Touch (All Yr Groups)

Junior Netball (Yr 1,2,3 & 4)


Futsal (All Yr Groups)

Rippa Rugby ( Mid and Sen)

Hockey  (All Yr Groups)

Netball ( Yr 5 & 6)

Miniball ( Yr 0,1 & 2 ; 5 & 6)


Canoe Polo ( Yr 6)

Tennis (All Yr Groups)

Rex Graham ( Seniors)

Cross Country ( Whole School)

Miniball (Yr 3 & 4)

Netball ( Yr 5 & 6)

Hockey  (Mid and Sen)

Tennis (All Yr Groups)

Milo Cricket (Juniors)

Cricket (Mid and Seniors)

Miniball ( Yr 0,1 & 2 ; 5 & 6)

Touch (All Yr Groups)

Junior Netball

Year 6 Netball

Tennis (All Yr Groups)

Futsal (All Yr Groups)